"How are you?" "Good, thank you! And you?" may seem banal, but it's a phrase that is uttered day after day without much reflection. No one expects an honest answer, at least not in a business environment. Saying, "I'm not doing well at the moment. I have knee pain, and my thoughts are with my sick daughter at home," is not exactly what is expected.
The "Thank you, I'm good" also reaffirms every day that in the workplace, performance is expected regardless of how one feels. Personal matters often have no place in the job. For a long time, I didn't question it. After all, everyone does it that way. Until one day, I learned that a former long-time employee suffers from a chronic illness that significantly affects their way of working. They never communicated it. And since then, I've been asking myself: What kind of work environment do we live in where such things cannot be discussed?
I can only speculate about the reasons, but it has occupied my mind for a long time. I needed clarity and answers. A survey was necessary. And the results are as expected. But see for yourself: